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Better Reasoning In A Nutshell (Paperback)


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책 정보

출판사 Independently Published
저자 M R Lauer
판형 Paperback
ISBN-13 9798844344008
발행일 2022/08/06
언어 eng
무게 (LB) 0.55

주제 분류

  • Books > Science > Cognitive Science

책 소개

The quality of your personal reasoning probably compares favorably with that of your peers, and may even be considerably better, and that's fine. But our ability to use reasoning to solve human problems on the societal level is more than 400 years behind our ability to solve scientific and technical problems.

The reason we still aren't able to answer any of the pinnacle questions, or to solve any of the foundational problems facing humanity, is because the planning and decision making skills we use to solve personal and technical problems don't scale up to the level needed to solve humanity's problems. The issue is that we haven't yet learned that subjectivity and objectivity are just perspectives that relate the observer to the observed in organic cognition, and are actually related to each other by a simple parameter bridge. They are not oppositional concepts.

This short book presents a cogent but accessible introduction to the fundamental concepts of model-oriented reasoning and the universal cognition model that enable us to unify subjectivity and objectivity. Although basic, the material presented here is meaty enough to enable the diligent reader to experience an immediate change in how they see, understand, and reason about the world. Motivated students can move on to the technical texts in the Pinnacle series, but all intellectually curious readers will be able to walk away smarter than they were before.

How is a reading a short book going to raise your level of intelligence? Obviously, it's not going to rewire your brain, or suddenly endow you with greater analytical ability, but if it gives you a more accurate map of the battlefield you will be fighting on, then it will give you a much better chance to win the fight with the abilities you have. You may not be able to increase your level of intelligence right away, but you can maximize your reasoning efficacy by knowing how to precisely apply pressure to the seam in the problem nut, instead of always having to try to crush it with brute force.

The material in this book is presented as standalone nuggets of insight and information that come from a very large, complex, and formal model. The more nuggets you read and think about, the more your ability to reason, understand, and make decisions should improve in ways you never expected.

Each nugget is focused on a single idea. This focus will sometimes trigger the intelligent reader to say, ``Yeah, but what about...?'' This is a legitimate question, but when this happens, you should just note the question down, and continue to plow forward because you can expect your question will be addressed in another nugget. However, some cases cannot be covered here in such an abbreviated format, so for anyone interested in the nuts and bolts of the formal model to see how special cases are handled, you are encouraged to investigate the Pinnacle Quest Syllabus that lays out the whole course.
Expect it to take you a couple of years, or more, to master this 1,700+ page complete course should you decide to dive into it wholeheartedly. Good times.

For everyone else, just relax and enjoy this little nugget snack by itself. It's a small, quick read, but it is packed with powerful and complex ideas that you should find transformative.

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