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Extreme Emotion and Extreme Weather (Paperback)


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  • USA Delaware 센터 발송
    USA Delaware 일반 배송 상품
  • 구매 후 영업일 기준
    2 일 후 발송예정
    기상악화나 천재지변 등의
    상황이 발생하면
    배송이 지연될 수 있음.

책 정보

출판사 Independently Published
저자 Ronald W Gantz
판형 Paperback
ISBN-13 9798749978179
발행일 2021/05/06
언어 eng
무게 (LB) 0.39

주제 분류

  • Books > Self-Help > Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

책 소개

Human beings have intervened in almost every naturally occurring system in which we are capable of intervening, believing we know better than nature as to how a naturally occurring system should work. Trying to solve psychological pain, sometimes called emotional pain has driven science, culture, religion, spirituality, cults, and politics to try to determine how to reduce, medicate, control, lessen, or legislate emotional pain away. Not all the good intentions of science, culture, religion, spirituality, cults, and politics will solve emotional pain; emotional pain is personal and dependent on the individual who has the pain and the will to resolve it. Negative emotions generate emotional pain, and generally, the more extreme the negative emotions are, the more extreme the emotional pain. Positive emotions generate pleasant emotions and generally the more extreme the positive emotions are the more desirable and pleasurable the emotional psychological response is. It makes sense for science, culture, religion, spirituality, cults, and politics to try to minimize negative emotions and maximize positive emotions, but emotions are a naturally occurring system and when humans try to minimize one and maximize the other, naturally occurring systems push back, Newton's third law famously states: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." There is one naturally occurring system, the weather, specifically high-pressure systems and low-pressure systems that humans have not been able to reduce, medicate, control, lessen, or legislate away. Weather is a naturally occurring system untouched by humans, not that they haven't tried, but we can learn from one naturally occurring system by comparing it to another naturally occurring system, we can compare high-pressure systems and low-pressure systems and compare them to positive emotions and negative emotions. I always was fascinated by the weather and took as many meteorology classes that were available at the college I attended. I was born and raised on a farm and the weather is very important to farmers, it determines what they will do that day, for example, during tobacco harvesting time you can only cut tobacco on sunny days, the tobacco will not wilt on cloudy days and the stems and leaves will break when speared if the tobacco is not wilted. Weather changes from sunny to cloudy, no different than emotions that determine my day, whether I feel bright or dreary, I am more easily emotionally broken when I am feeling dreary than when I am feeling bright. The similarities between high-pressure systems and positive emotions and low-pressure systems and negative emotions are more than coincidental, I wrote this book in part to make this comparison. High-pressure systems and low-pressure systems express themselves fully and completely without holding anything back; emotionally wounded individuals like I was are not free to fully and completely express themselves emotionally for the fear of making the unconscious conscious. Both high and low-pressure systems and positive and negative emotions can be plotted on a continuum from low energy to high energy, naturally occurring systems are best understood in their extremes, I wrote this book to compare two naturally occurring systems like weather and emotions, and what weather can teach us how naturally occurring systems like weather and emotions are designed by nature to function.

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