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Rapture and The Great Tribulation (Paperback)


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책 정보

출판사 Independently Published
저자 Gideon W Wananda
판형 Paperback
ISBN-13 9798848492842
발행일 2022/08/29
언어 eng
무게 (LB) 0.46

주제 분류

  • Books > Religion > Eschatology

책 소개

Whereas scriptures expressly state that saints will go through the great tribulation (Dan. 7:25; Matt. 24:22; Rev. 12:13-17; 13:7,10); these saints not being limited to our Jewish brethren but rather "a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues," (Rev. 7:9-14); no single incident of scripture, states expressly, that the church will escape the great tribulation through a pre-tribulation rapture. This book not only uncovers the glaringly unscriptural popular view of a pre-tribulation rapture, but presents a beaming light into the end time events that are upon us, with a wide latitude of backup scriptures, and in a way you haven't known before.ContentsIntroduction
Definition of Terms Used In This Book
Chapter 1: The Pre-Wrath Perspective
Satan's Wrath
God's Wrath
Properly Defining the Day of the Lord
The Beginning of Many Sorrows
Chapter 2: The Wise and Foolish Virgins
Chapter 3: Who is Taken and Who is Left?
Chapter 4: The Great Tribulation: Will The Church Be Absent or Present?
The Great Tribulation: Satan's Wrath Not God's
Chapter 5: First Gather the Weeds and Burn Them
Brief About the Gathering
Procedures for the Gathering
Chapter 6: Who is the Restrainer?
The Question of the Restrainer
Chapter 7: Being Saved From The Hour of Trial
Chapter 8: Understanding the Seven Seals
A Personal Revelation Concerning the Seals
Chapter 9: Nobody Knows The Day Nor The Hour
The Parable of the Fig Tree
Chapter 10: Is There More Than One Coming?
His Coming Is In Phases
Chapter 11: Is There a Possibility of Multiple Raptures?
Chapter 12: When Does the Rapture Happen? A New Paradigm of Eschatology
The Order of End Time Events
Chapter 13: Antichrist-Centered Fear versus Christ-Centered Hope
Chapter 14: Preparing for Christ's Return
How Did We Get Here?
A Major Break in Chronological Discontinuity of the Book of Revelation
So, What is the Main Exhortation?

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