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Land Reforms of Tanzania (Paperback)


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    상황이 발생하면
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책 정보

출판사 Independently Published
저자 Furaha N Lugoe Ph D
판형 Paperback
ISBN-13 9798671107401
발행일 2020/07/31
언어 eng
무게 (LB) 0.7

주제 분류

  • Books > Law > Land Use

책 소개

Tanganyika was a self governing land of communities long before the historical Berlin Conference of 1884. The land was vested in communities and land control was the primary objective for the sustenance of each family and communities providing individual and collective needs of the communities. The communities fell under colonialism and became a German colony from 1884 to 1917 and a British Protectorate from 1918 to 1961. Tanganyika gained political independence from the British on 9th December, 1961 and became a Republic in 1962. Zanzibar became independent on 10th December, 1963 and the People's Republic of Zanzibar was established after the Zanzibar Revolution of 12th January, 1964.The two sovereign states joined to form one sovereign country - The United Republic of Tanzania (URT) on 26th April, 1964. Land in the URT is however, not among the list of matters comprising the union as Zanzibar regulates its land differently from Tanzania mainland. of all sectors in the economy, agriculture land use has been stagnant for many years. Poverty and human development report 2009 shows that the sector has shown growth rates of 4.4% since 2000, well below MKUKUTA's target of 10% by 2010 and the sector's contribution to the economy declined to 24% in 2008. The report also states that "a significant proportion of households have consumption levels not far from the poverty line. Households too are diversifying out of agriculture to improve well-being." Among all the world's countries, Tanzania's gross domestic product (GDP) is the fifth most dependent on agri¬culture-about 45%. At least 76% of the population works in the agricultural sector. Tanzania has the world's 18th lowest rate of urbanization: just 25% of its people live in urban areas. Against this backdrop, most Tanzanian farmers work very small plots and grow food mostly for domestic consumption. Low productivity on these farms is endemic. According to the World Food Program, more than 40% of Tanzania's population lives in chronic food-deficit regions. The extreme prevalence of HIV/AIDS, which infects 6.2% of the country's adult population, compounds the effects of poor productivity and hunger. At least 38% of children under five in Tanzania are chronically malnourished (that is, their height is stunted for their age), and more than 50% of children suffer stunted growth in over 30% of all regions in the country.after the attainment of independence in 1961, Freehold Titles were converted into leaseholds for a term of 99 years under the Freehold Titles (Conversion) and Government Leases Act (Cap 523) of 1963. This legislation changed freehold titles into government leases, in effect reducing the largest quantum of estate in land, the perpetual and unfettered freehold title to a Government Lease which is a lesser and finite interest in land exercisable for a maximum period of 99 years only. Subsequently, by virtue of the Government Leaseholds (Conversion of Right of Occupancy) Act No. 44 of 1969, all Government leases were converted into Rights of Occupancy. It is noteworthy that Freehold titles that were issued to foreigners by the German and British governments and subsequently converted to Government Leases and Rights of Occupancy in 1963 and 1969 are still active and have a residual life of around 41 years.

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