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It's Time to Abolish the Tort of Bad Faith (Paperback)


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    USA Delaware 일반 배송 상품
  • 구매 후 영업일 기준
    2 일 후 발송예정
    기상악화나 천재지변 등의
    상황이 발생하면
    배송이 지연될 수 있음.

책 정보

출판사 Independently Published
저자 Barry Zalma Esq
판형 Paperback
ISBN-13 9798586654243
발행일 2020/12/25
언어 eng
무게 (LB) 0.55

주제 분류

  • Books > Law > Insurance

책 소개

INSURANCE AS A NECESSITYNeither the courts nor the governmental agencies seem to be aware that in a modern, capitalistic society, insurance is a necessity. No prudent person would take the risk of starting a business, buying a home, or driving a car without insurance. The risk of losing everything would be too great. By using insurance to spread the risk, taking the risk to start a business, buy a home, or drive a car becomes possible.Insurance has existed since a group of Sumerian farmers, more than 5,000 years ago, scratched an agreement on a clay tablet that if one of their number lost his crop to storms, the others would pay part of their earnings to the one damaged. Over the eons, insurance has become more sophisticated, but the deal is essentially the same. An insurer, whether an individual or a corporate entity, takes contributions (premiums) from many and holds the money to pay those few who lose their property from some calamity, like fire. The agreement, a written contract to pay indemnity to another in case a certain problem, calamity, or damage that is fortuitous, that is that occurs by accident, is called insurance.In a modern industrial society, almost everyone is involved in or with the business of insurance. They insure against the risk of becoming ill, losing a car in an accident, losing business due to fire, becoming disabled, losing their life, losing a home due to flood or earthquake, or being sued for accidentally causing injury to another. The insurers, insureds, or people damaged by those insured are dependent on one another.In a country where human interactions are governed solely by the terms of written contracts, insurance would be a simple means of spreading risk and providing indemnity based on the promises made by the contract of insurance. But, in this the real world, insurance contracts are controlled by statutes enacted to ostensibly protect the consumer of insurance, regulations imposing obligations on the conduct of insurers and the decisions of trial and appellate courts interpreting insurance contracts.A simple insurance contract between two parties might say: "I insure you against the risk of loss of your engagement ring valued at $15,000 by all risks of direct physical loss except wear and tear for a premium paid by you of $15.00." Anyone who could read would understand that contract. If something happens to damage, destroy or lose the ring the insurer will pay you $15,000.00. However, insurers cannot write such a simple contract because the state requires many terms and conditions that complicate the policy wording and confuse the common person. The states and courts that did so had nothing but good intentions to protect the consumer against the insurer and control the actions of the insurer.The tort of bad faith was created because courts felt that insurers treated their insureds badly and defeated the purpose for which insurance is acquired. It has served its purpose. Fair Claims Settlement Practices laws and regulations are now available to control insurers who do not act in good faith. Insurance fraud statutes and Regulations provide assistance to insurers who have been deceived by those they insure or who are victims of attempted insurance fraud.It is time that all contracts, including insurance contracts, are treated like any other contract, and insureds who believe the insurer breached the contract of insurance can sue to recover the benefits promised by the policy. Insurers, who act unfairly can be controlled by the state Departments of Insurance who will deter wrongful conduct by fines and other discipline allowed by the Fair Claims Settlement Practices laws and regulations.

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