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The Vegan Diet for Kids (Paperback)


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책 정보

출판사 Independently Published
저자 Julia Wilson
판형 Paperback
ISBN-13 9798845614254
발행일 2022/08/09
언어 eng
무게 (LB) 0.35

주제 분류

  • Books > Cooking > Baby Food

책 소개


Most kids have the preference to meat over vegetables. But there are still those who hate the taste of meat. Parents of such vegetarian kids are in constant worry over their kids not receiving the necessary nutrients for their physical development and growth. However, along with a little planning, nourishing children who are non-meat eaters won't be of much problem. Below are tips on vegetarian diets for kids.

Protein Options Since poultry and meat products, which are rich in protein, are not favored by vegetarian parents, other options or protein source alternatives have to be resorted to. This is to provide a balanced dietary supplement to children who are not meat-eaters. Options or vegan alternatives such as beans, legumes, eggs and dairy food products for kids can be chosen and included in the diet menu for kids. Soy is a non-animal product full of protein. You should add tofu and soy milk drinks in the diet of vegetarian children.

Iron-rich Foods Other than meat, chicken and fish, you can find green foods that are rich in iron also. Examples are lentils, baked beans, broccoli, spinach and iron-fortified cereals, breads and pasta. To improve the assimilation of iron from these foods, mix them with foods that have huge quantities of vitamin C like fruits and fruit juices. A vitamin supplement filled with iron is effective too.

Take in Energy Foods Kids require sufficient calories for ideal growth. Allow vegetarian children to consume a wide range of complex carbohydrates for example wholegrain breads and cereals, lentils, nuts, fruits and vegetables as these are energy foods essential to help them gain weight and build-up muscle tissues naturally. Parents or guardians can also enhance the energy value of nutrients by making use of avocado, dairy products, spreads and oils.

Add Calcium-rich Foods Calcium is necessary for the development of sturdy bones and teeth, thus the significance of adding calcium-rich foods in the kid's diet plan. A lot of vegan children actually consume dairy products. Therefore giving them milk to drink, and cheese to eat, or yogurt would not present any difficulty. However, when they resist the idea of eating milk products, encourage them to consume leafy vegetables, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and navy beans. Soy milk and orange juice loaded with calcium are great calcium sources also.

Vitamin B12 from Non-meat Sources This vitamin B12 is really essential for a child's development and growth, and in the formation of red blood cells as well as the maintenance of the nervous system. This nutrient can be obtained only from consuming animal products. A non-meat eater will need to have his or her vitamin B12 source by means of food supplements or food products fortified with vitamin B12.

If there is anything else you need to know about vegan diet for kids, they are all in this book. There are numerous benefits and importance to allow your kids consume plant based diet only, this is because they consume more nutrient and eat food less in fat and calories. Foods high in fat are harmful to the health generally but they are more harmful to kids, so in order not to put your kids at a high risk of diseases, feed them with plant based diet more often.

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